

Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Location: Halle
Altersfreigabe: ab 16 Jahren

Vorverkauf: 30,- Euro
(zzgl. Vorverkaufsgebühr)


Special Guests: Saint Agnes

Tickets werden via reservix und evnetim.de rueckerstattet.

Ticketrueckgabe: bei CTS Eventim: Ruft die Webseite für „Absagen und Verlegungen“ bei Eventim auf.

Ticketrueckgabe bei reservix.de: bitte mail schreiben an: rueckabwicklung@reservix.de

Due to back injury Monster Magnet regretfully announces cancellation of their performances at Desert Fest New York 2022 and their European summer tour 2022. Lead Singer Dave Wyndorf suffered a bike accident earlier in the year and is currently in physical therapy. Wyndorf says "My apologies to everybody for dropping out at this time. I'm as disappointed as anyone. Doctors say I should be as good as new by summer's end and then we can start making up for lost time. ROCK! - Dave"

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